miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2008


If you need to validate your Windows XP just follow these few steps.

1. Click on Start and then click on "Run"
2. In the Open box, type "regedit" and give "OK"
3. In the left panel, look for the following route:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ WindowsNT \\ Current Version \\ WPAEvents

4. In the right panel click with the mouse button on "OOBETimer" and then click on Edit.
5. Change at least one digit of this value to disable Windows. You can now close the registry editor 6. Click "Start" then click on "Run"
7. In the Open box, type the following command "%systemroot%\\system32\\adobe\\msoobe.exe /a" and click "OK"
8. Click "Yes, I would like to call by phone to a customer service representative to activate Windows"
9. Then click Next.
10. Click on the "Change the product key."
11. Enter the new key product in Tables New key click Update.


Click on "Update".

Note: If the product key for any reason does not work, go to the page and look www.serialz.to ahy more key validation.
Source: http://mherrera16.blogspot.com/2008/01/como-validar-mi-xp.html

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2 comentarios:

Villarreal F. Carlos dijo...

Muy bueno muchisimas gracias me ayuado mucho con la maquina.

Anónimo dijo...

Excelente master, funco de 10. Chas gracias y mucha suerte.